one could say? is significant liquid build-up behind your tympanum in that middle ear,
which you could certainly experience, probably with otitis media, which is a middle ear infection.
why use a cotton swab
a cotton swab might not necessarily be the right thing to use to your ear canal and when you take one of these and also stick it inside of your ear canal.
risky move
not only are you pressing wax inside of your ear, you could run the risk of fracturing your tympanum, causing severe discomfort as well as potentially removing the 3 center ear bones.
Major opening
If a larger opening, you may need a tympanoplasty, which is where a surgeon will certainly eliminate a part of a vein or the outer sheath of a muscular tissue.
Just surgery
Make a laceration behind your ear.

Pull that ear forward to obtain behind the tympanum and also execute a graft of that material on the behind of your tympanum.
ear drum
Tympanic membrane, known as the eardrum is a really thin frame, that forms an impermeable seal to divide the external ear canal from the middle Ear.
fluid build-up
there is considerable fluid build-up behind your tympanum in that middle ear, space like someone would certainly experience,

needle into a balloon
sufficient fluid buildup can in fact trigger your eardrum to ruptured much like jabbing a needle into a balloon.
this article is for information only, before following any of these methods, you should always consult a qualified doctor or practitioner